俺に働けって言われても 乙携

by イースマイル

Giochi di ruolo


Pull the Komori why not life?nnDead out something you do not want to leave too! I do not want to work!nFor such a hero to live, and the proposed method! ?

Per saperne di piu

これはあなたの世界(部屋)を守る戦い!アプリは完全売り切り型!アイテム課金、追加課金なしで100時間遊べるRPG!☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆あなたは引き篭もりの青年となって、借金と毎月の家賃を支払うために、とあるビジネスをはじめます。それは、冒険者を雇い、彼らにダンジョンを探索してもらうというもの。あなたは探索の指示を出したら、その模様を見守るだけ!とてもカンタンなお仕事です。探索で入手したアイテムを売却して得られる利益で、冒険者の給料や家賃を支払い、引き篭もりの生活を維持することが目的です。もし、家賃が支払えないと強制的に働かされることになりゲームオーバーとなります。売却した素材を使って、装備アイテムや探索に役立つアイテムを開発できます。開発したアイテムを冒険者に買わせて、ダンジョン攻略に役立てましょう。そのほかにもゲームの特徴として◆150を超えるダンジョン数◆開発できる冒険者の装備は4000種以上!◆ユニークな冒険者たちとのイベント◆あなたのプレイスタイルにあわせた村づくり◆スキル訓練で冒険者を強化◆30種以上の冒険者ジョブとクラスチェンジシステム◆初心者でも安心の難易度機能など多彩な要素で抜群のやりこみ度!--------------------■対応OSAndroid OS 4.0以降(一部非対応端末あり)・プレイ中はこまめにセーブしてください。・頻繁に強制終了が発生する場合は、ご利用の端末を再起動することで改善される可能性があります。・プレイに支障がある現象が起きた場合は、タイトル画面にある「リソース修復」をお試しください。This is the fight to protect your world (the room)!App is complete sellout type!Free-to-play, play 100 hours at no additional billing RPG!☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆You become a young man of withdrawal, in order to pay the debt and the monthly rent, you start the phrase business.It hired the adventurer, they to those that ask them to explore the dungeon.When you put out an indication of the search, just watch the pattern! It is very easy for your job.In the benefits to be gained by selling items that you obtained in the search, adventurers of salaries and rent payments, it is possible to maintain the life of withdrawal is the purpose.If, you the game is over it will be forced to work force and unable to pay the rent.With the sale of the material, you can develop the items that will help in the equipment items and search.So buy the adventurers an item that was developed, lets help the dungeon capture.As a feature of the addition to the game◆ the number of dungeon more than 150◆ equipment of the adventurers that can be developed is 4000 or more!◆ event of a unique adventurers◆ village development tailored to your play style◆ strengthen the adventurers in skills training◆ 30 or more adventurers job and Advances system◆ difficulty function of peace of mind even for beginnersPreeminent crowded degree of variety of factors, such as!--------------------■ Supported OSAndroid OS 4.0 or later (some have non-compatible terminal)- Please save diligently during play.• If you frequently forced termination occurs, there is likely to be improved by restarting the terminal you are using.• If that happened a phenomenon that there is trouble in the play, please try the "resource repair" in the title screen.【バージョン2.6.1】Android OS 7.0に対応